
Werinherstraße, Munich

  Munich, Alemania
Vivienda individual : Apartamento · Munich
Superficie 62 m² ·  Capacidad de acogida 1 ·  Salle de bain 1
Ciudad Munich
Dirección Werinherstraße, 81541
Superficie 62m²


This is modern apartment in Munich Giesing has 1 furnished bedroom and 1 big living room. We have one bathroom also a modern Kitchen. Parking on the street All Furniture is the same with only slight variations in color (i.e. Boxspring bed, PAX closet, and so on) ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Bitte beachten Sie, dass HousingAnywhere eine Online-Buchungsplattform ist. Daher ist es nicht möglich, Kontaktdaten auszutauschen und Besichtigungen anzubieten. Wenn Sie diese Unterkunft reservieren möchten, senden Sie mir eine Buchungsanfrage oder eine Nachricht! Please note that HousingAnywhere is an online booking platform. Therefore it is not possible to change contact data rights and viewings. If you want to reserve this place, send me a booking request or a message! ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Lista de habitaciones

Habitación 15m²

1990€/ mes
Superficie 15m²
Alquiler mensual 1990 € Gastos mensuales 0 € Fianza 3600 € Disponible de 25 abril 2024

a partir de

1990€ / mes
Gastos de tramitación 0€
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